三肉炒冬粉 Stir-fried Glass Noodles

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丝)、蒜子两棵(切小段)、葱两棵(切段)、芹菜一棵(剁碎) 、高汤1⁄2杯
1. 先放油爆香蒜米,捞起备用。(图1)
2. 用蒜头油把虾肉、蟹肉炒熟捞起备用。(图2)
3. 再下油炒瘦肉至熟,加入香菇丝、本地蒜同炒,下高汤和调味料煮三分钟。(图3)
4. 放冬粉炒至稍微干身,再下虾、,蟹肉、青葱段拌炒至均匀即可。撒上爆香蒜茸。(图4)

200g shelled shrimp, 200g lean meat,100g crab meat, 300g glass noodles(soaked), some chopped garlic, 2 Chinese
mushroom(soaked & juliennes),2 stalks leek (cut into blocks), 2 stalks
spring onion (cut into blocks), 1 stalkChinese celery (chopped), 1⁄2 cup stock
1 tsp salt, 1 tbsp soy sauce, 1 tbspoyster sauce, 1 tsp fish sauce, pepper to taste, 1 tbsp dark soy sauce
1. Sauté chopped garlic until fragrant, dish out.(pic 1)
2. Use the remaining oil to sauté shrimp and crab meat until cooked, dish out. (pic 2)
3. Add oil in wok, sauté lean meat until cooked; toss in Chinese mushroom, leek, stock and seasoning, simmer for
3 minutes.(pic 3)
4. Add in glass noodles, stir-fry until dry up, then toss in shrimp, crab meat and spring onion; dish out sprinkle garlic
crisp on top. (pic 4)