三色沙拉豆腐盒Tri-color Salad Box

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1.将豆腐卜用温水略泡,然后拧干水份,每粒切开二份,连同素虾放入蒸锅大火蒸5分钟待凉用。 (图1-2)
3.把三色豆、素虾加入调味料拌匀,酿入豆腐卜内,表面再挤上沙拉酱享用。(图 5)

10 pcs bean curd pockets, 5 mock shrimp (cut halved), 100g tri-color beans

1/4 tsp salt, 1/4 tsp pepper, 50g salad dressing

1.Soak bean curd pockets in warm water, squeeze out water and cut halve; and then steam with mock shrimp in high heat for 5 minutes, let cool. (pic 1-2)
2.Blanch tri-color beans in boiling water and drain. (pic 3-4)
3.Add seasoning to tri-color beans and mock shrimp; and then stuff into bean curd pocket, top with extra salad dressing.(pic 5)