上汤西洋菜苗Baby Water Spinach Soup

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鲜各菇3朵、豆包 1片、杞子1/2 大匙(浸软)、姜丝少许


盐1/2 茶匙、素香菇精1/4 茶匙、上汤1饭碗、生粉2茶匙

2.烧热2大匙油,爆香姜丝和其余(B)料,加入调味料煮滚,再加入西洋 菜炒匀即可上碟,洒 上材料(C)即成。


【Ingredients (A)】
250g baby water spinach

【Ingredients (B)】
3 pcs fresh mushroom, 1 pc bean curd pocket, 1/2 tbsp JU ZI (soak), some shredded ginger

【Ingredients (C)】
1tbsp mock dried shrimp (deep fried)

1/2 tsp salt, 1/4 tsp mushroom stock, 1 bowl stock, 2 tsp corn flour

1.Blanch vegetable n boiling water with some salt and oil.
2.Heat 2tbsp oil in wok, sauté ginger and ingredients (B) until fragrant and then add in seasoning and bring to boil, toss in vegetable, before dish out, sprinkle ingredients (C) on top, done.