咖喱马鲛鱼 Curry Mackerel

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叶5叶、浓椰浆250毫升、江鱼仔高汤1,200毫升、虾米 40克(浸软切碎)
A:小葱头100克 、蒜米30克 、香茅3支、南姜50克(均切片)、清水200毫升
糖1汤匙、生抽2 汤匙、鸡精粉1汤匙
1. 江鱼仔高汤做法:江鱼仔洗净,加入清水煮滚后以小火煮40分钟,过滤备用。
2. 所有香料A用搅拌机研磨成泥,取出加入香料B拌匀。
3. 烧热适量油,把马鲛鱼片煎至 2 面金黄色。
4. 烧热适量油把茄子和菜豆炸至微黄,沥干油备用。
5. 鑊里烧热 3 汤匙油,以小火爆香虾米碎,加入香料炒至香及泛油。(约 10 分钟)
6. 注入江鱼仔汤煮滚。加入咖喱叶、枫柑叶和调味料。
7. 加入羊角豆、豆卜、马鲛鱼片和炸茄豆,盖上锅盖以小火煮 8 分钟。
8. 注入浓椰浆,用大火煮滚即可熄火上桌。

1 Mackerel (about 1kg, cut into 2cm thick slices), 1 eggplant (cut 5cm blocks), 10 pcs lady fingers (cut
into 2), 10 long beans (cut 5 cm blocks), 10 pc bean curd pockets (halved), 3 stalk curry leaves, 5 sprigs
kaffir lime leaves, 250ml thick coconut milk, 1200ml ikan bilis stock, 40g dried shrimp (soaked & chopped)
【Stock Ingredients】
50g Ikan bilis, 1800 ml water
A:100g shallot, 30g garlic, 3 stalks serai, 50g galangal (sliced), 200ml water
B:2 tbsp seafood curry powder, 2 tbsp Japanese curry powder, 100g chili paste
1 tbsp sugar, 2 tbsp soy sauce, 1 tbsp chicken powder
1. Wash ikan billis and boil in water at low heat for 40 minutes, strained and drain.
2. Blend all ingredients A with water until fine, then mix in spice B.
3. Sear mackerel in wok until both sides turn brown.
4. Deep fry eggplant and long bean with hot oil untilbrown, drain.
5. Heat 3 tbsp oil in wok, sauté dried shrimp in low heat until fragrant; and then toss in spice paste,
keep stir-frying for about 10 minutes.
6. Pour in Ikan bilis stock, once boiled, add in curry leave, kaffir lime leaves and seasoning.
7. Add in lady fingers, bean curd pocket and fish, deep fried eggplant and long bean, cover with lid
and simmer in low heat for 8 minutes.
8. Pour in thick coconut milk, bring to quick boil, ready to serve.