娘惹甲必丹鸡Nyonya Kapitan Chicken

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1. 先将鸡肉用腌料腌至少1⁄2小时,然后沾少许粟粉,放入热油中炸至金黄色,沥干油备用。(图1)
2. 另外热油将大葱爆至金黄色,捞起备用。(图2)
3. 在镬内热少许油,倒入研磨辣椒干、爆香的大葱、咖哩叶及Asam 膏汁水炒匀。加入调味料。(图3)
4. 加入切片番茄以及炸好的鸡块,混合均匀煮片刻即可。(图4)

1⁄2 bird chicken(cut in bite), some corn flour, 11⁄2 tomatoes, 5 big onion (dice), some cooking oil, 2
tbsp grind dried chilli, 1⁄2 pct assam paste (dilute with water and strain),1 stalk curry leaf
【Mrinate Ingredients】
1⁄2 tsp salt, 2 tbsp sugar, 1 tsp pepper, 1 tsp five spice powder, 1⁄2 tsp sesame oil, 2 tbsp dark sweet soy sauce, 1 tsp soy sauce
1⁄2 tsp salt, 1 tbsp soy sauce, 2 tbsp sugar
1. Marinate chicken with marinate ingredients for 1⁄2 hour. Dip with some corn flour and deep fried
in hot oil till golden brown. Drain and set aside.(pic 1)
2. Heat oil in wok, fried onion till golden brown, drain and set aside.(pic 2)
3. Heat some oil in a wok again, saute dried chilli paste, fried onion, curry leave and assam juice till fragrant. Season to taste. (pic 3)
4. Add in tomato slices and chicken, stir to mix and dish out.(pic 4)