家常凉拌豆腐 Home Cooked Tofu

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1. 豆腐先用温水浸泡一会,盛上碟,淋入适量酱油。(图1)
2. 热油镬,爆香蒜米,淋在豆腐上。(图2)
3. 最后撒上葱花和辣椒丝即可享用。(图3)

1 box soft tofu, 5 pips garlic(chopped), some chopped
spring onion, 1 red chili (chopped)
some soy sauce to taste
1. Soak tofu in warm water for a while, place in plate, sprinkle soy sauce over the tofu. (pic1)
2. Heat some oil in wok, sauté garlic until fragrant, pour it over tofu.(pic 2)
3. Garnish with chopped spring onion and red chili, done.(pic 3)