当归红枣排骨汤Rib Soup with Dang Gui & Red Dates

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1. 香菇浸泡至软,挤干水份,备用。
2. 用水清洗当归、党参、红枣和枸杞,再用清水浸泡30分钟,备用。
3. 用滚水将排骨焯一焯后,再用清水洗净,备用。
4. 把所有材料放入锅里,大火煮滚后转小火慢焖煮2小时。
5. 熄火前1小时,捞起表面浮油,下调味料,趁热享用。

500g pork ribs, 6 pcs Chinese mushroom, 3-4 slices Dang Gui, 3 blocks Dang Shen, 8 pcs red dates, 2 tbsp Gou Qi, 1 litre water

Dash of sea salt

1. Soak Chinese mushroom until soften.
2. Wash Dang Gui, Dang SHen, red dates and Gou Qi, soak in water for 30 minutes.
3. Blanch ribs in boiling water and then wash.
4. Place all ingredients in pot and bring to quick boil, simmer in low heat for 2 hours.
5. Half way cooking, remove oil and scums on the surface; and then season to taste.