栗子莲藕响螺汤Chestnut, Lotus Root & Conch Soup

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1. 干栗子和干响螺洗净后,分别浸泡过夜,备用。
2. 将洗净的猪腱肉焯水后,再用清水洗一遍,备用。
3. 莲藕洗净,削皮切厚片,备用。
4. 把所有材料放入锅里,大火煮滚后转小火慢焖煮90分钟。
5. 下适量海盐调味料,趁热享用。

300g pork loin, 4 pcs dried conch, 300g Lotus root, 100g dried chestnut, 4-5 pcs dark dates, 2 slices ginger, 1 litre water

Dash of sea salt

1. Wash dried chestnut and conch and soak in water separately for overnight.
2. Blanch pork loin in boiling water and wash.
3. Wash lotus root, skinned and cut into thick slices.
4. Place all ingredients in pot and bring to quick boil, then simmer in low heat for 90 minutes.
5. Season with salt and serve hot.