桃胶雪莲子甜汤 Peach Gum & Honey Locust Soup

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材料 :
做法 :
1. 预先将桃胶及雪莲子洗净,然后放入清水中浸泡过夜;待桃胶泡软涨至数倍后,仔细将表面的黑色杂质去除,放进
2. 百合、红枣和龙眼干洗净备用;莲子洗净,用牙签挑去绿色胚芽,备用。(图2)
3. 雪耳放进清水内浸泡至软后,撕成小朵,备用。(图3)
4. 取一锅倒入清水、百合、红枣、龙眼干、莲子和雪耳,煮至滚后转小火继续煮45分钟。(图4)
5. 下桃胶、雪莲子和片糖,继续炖煮15分钟,即可以享用。(图5)

60g peach gum, 15g honey locust, 50g lotus seed, 10g dried lily pulps, 1 floret of snow fungus,
10 pcs pitted red dates, 50g dried longan, Some brown rock sugar, 1.5 litre water
1. Wash peach gum and honey locust, soak overnight. Once peach gums denoted, clean
carefully and wash again, drain.(pic 1)
2. Wash dried lily pulps, red dates and dried longan, remove gems of lotus seeds and wash. (pic 2)
3. Soak snow fungus until soften; and then tear into small pieces. (pic 3)
4. Put dried lily pulps, red dates, dried longan, lotus seeds and snow fungus, bring to quick and then simmer in low heat for 45 minutes. (pic 4)
5. Add in peach gum, honey locust and brown rock sugar, continue to cook for another 15 minutes, done. (pic 5)