泰式炒意粉 Spaghetti Pad Thai

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材料:4 人份
ALCE NERO 意粉250 克(根据包装指示煮熟后拌入适量ALCE NERO 初
榨橄榄油)、ALCE NERO 初榨橄榄油5 汤匙、蒜头3 瓣(剁碎)、鸡肉
300 克(切片后以生粉、鱼露、白糖及辣椒粉各1 茶匙腌妥)、虾肉100
克(以1 茶匙白糖腌妥)、亚三膏50 克(以100 毫升清水洗出汁,过滤)、
指天椒4 条(切片)、黄糖2 汤匙、鸡粉1 茶匙、鱼露2 汤匙、豆芽150
克、韭菜50 克(切2 公分长)
花生碎50 克、薄荷叶50 克、莞荽叶50 克、辣椒粉和酸柑适量
1. 起锅热ALCE NERO初榨橄榄油,蒜茸爆香后加入鸡肉和虾肉炒均。
2. 加入亚三汁、黄糖、鸡粉、指天椒及鱼露。
3. 加入ALCE NERO 意粉炒匀,拌入豆芽和韭菜,加入适量的盐和糖调味后熄火。
4. 撒上装饰料即可享用,吃时挤入酸柑。

250g ALCE NERO spaghetti (cooked to packet instructions and
drained; toss in some ALCE NERO extra virgin olive oil), 5 tbsps ALCE
NERO extra virgin olive oil, 3 cloves garlic(chopped), 300g chicken meat
(sliced and marinated with 1 tsp corn flour, fish sauce, sugar & chilly
flakes), 100g prawns (marinated with 1 tsp sugar), 50 g tamarind paste +
100 ml water (sieved), 4 stalks chilly padi (sliced), 2 tbsps brown sugar to
taste 1 tsp chicken stock granules, 2-3 tbsps fish sauce or to taste,
150g beansprouts, 50g‘kuchai’ chives(cut into 2cm lengths)
50g peanuts(coarsely ground), 50g mint leaves, 50g coriander leaves, chilly flakes & sliced lime
1. Heat ALCE NERO extra virgin olive oil in a wok, sauté the
chopped garlic until fragrant adding the marinated chicken meat and prawns.
2. Add the tamarind juice, brown sugar, chicken stock granules, chilly padi and fish sauce.
3. Return the cooked ALCE NERO spaghetti into the wok, adding lastly the chives and
beansprouts. Adjust salt & sugar to taste, turning off heat.
4. Top with garnishing ingredients, squeeze in the lime juice before
Cooking Class Recipes


食谱制作■Debbie Teoh 摄影■Raphael (Gray studio)