泰式蒸鱼Thai style steam fish

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鱼露7-8汤匙、鸡粉1茶匙、酸柑5粒(取汁)、白糖3- 4汤匙

1. 用电动剁切机把莞荽根、蒜头及指天椒剁切。(图1)
2. 酱汁材料全部混合,再拌入剁切料。(图2-3)
3. 蒸炉的水煮滚后,把鱼放入蒸8-10分钟。(图4)
4. 将鱼从蒸炉取出,倒入酸柑酱汁。蒸鱼汁不必倒掉。(图5)
5. 以莞荽叶装饰,趁热享用。(图6)

800 g-1kg Grouper (gutted and cleaned), 1 stalk coriander
(for garnishing)

4 stalks coriander roots only, 5 stalks chilly padi, 10 cloves garlic

7-8 Tbsp fish sauce, 1 tsp chicken powder, 5 large limes(juice extracted),3-4 Tbsps sugar or to taste

1. Using an electric chopper, roughly chop the coriander roots, garlic, chilly padi together. (pic 1)
2. Mix this chopped concoction with all sauce ingredients. Set aside.(pic 2-3)
3. Heat a steamer, to a rolling boil, place the cleaned fish and steam for 8-10 minutes. (pic 4)
4. Remove fish from the steamer and pour over the lime chili sauce. (pic 5)
5. Garnish with extra coriander leaves and serve immediately. (pic 6)