清蒸肉酱金鲳鱼 STEAMED GOLDEN pomfret with pork mince

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材料 :
金鲳鱼 400 克
古龙牌香菜心 ½ 罐
顶料 :
古龙牌香菇肉酱 2 汤匙
姜茸 1 汤匙
蒜米 ½ 汤匙
装饰 :
青葱粒 1 汤匙
芫荽叶 1 棵
红辣椒圈 ½ 汤匙

做法 :
1 先将鱼洗干净,放在蒸盘中。
2 用1汤匙油炒香顶料,然后淋在鱼身上。(图1-4)
3 将古龙牌香菜心铺在鱼身上,放入蒸锅内蒸10分钟或至熟透。(图5-6)
4 撒上芫荽和青葱粒 ,趁热食用。(图7)

400 gm Golden Pomfret
½ canned GULONG Brand Pickled Lettuce
2 tbsp GULONG Brand Pork Mince With Bean Paste
1 tbsp minced ginger ½ tbsp chopped garlic
1 tbsp chopped spring onion
1 sprig coriander leaves
½ tbsp red chili rings

1 Wash and clean fish, put it in a steaming plate.
2 Stir fry topping ingredients with 1 tbsp oil until aromatic and pour on fish. (pic 1-4)
3 Spread GULONG Brand Pickled Lettuce on fish, arrange in a steamer and steam for 10 minutes or until cooked. (pic 5-6)
4 Sprinkle top with chopped coriander and spring onion. Serve hot. (pic 7)