电饭锅香菇鸡饭 Rice Cooker Mushroom Chicken Rice

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黑酱油1⁄4茶匙、蚝油1汤匙、磨碎白胡椒1⁄4茶匙、姜汁1汤匙、糖1茶匙、麻油1茶匙、粟粉1茶匙、盐 1⁄2 茶匙
1. 鸡肉用腌料腌好,收入冰箱约1小时备用。(图1)
2. 镬内热少许油,爆香小葱头至微黄,捞起备用。
3. 用同样的油爆香姜片及蒜片,加入鸡肉和香菇拌炒约
4. 把炒料移入 ELBA Electric Rice Cooker内,加入清水搅拌好,并加入炸葱及少许盐调味后上盖,启动电
5. 开盖将饭搅拌后再盖上焖约5分钟。
6. 吃时撒上青葱粒及炸葱,与香肠及咸鱼一起享用。

300g long grain rice(washed in several changes of water until water runs clear,
drained in a colander), 2 pcs chicken whole leg(cut into bites sizes), 5 fresh
mushroom(soak and remove stem, slice), 400 ml water, 2 tbsps cooking
oil, 3 shallots(peeled and sliced), 1.5 inches young ginger(skinned and sliced), 2
cloves garlic(chopped)
【Seasoning for Chicken】
1⁄4 tsp dark soya sauce, 1 tbsp oyster sauce,1⁄4 tsp ground white pepper,
1 tbsp ginger juice, 1 tsp sugar, 1 tsp sesame oil, 1 tsp corn flour, 1⁄2 tsp salt
80g salted fish(sliced and deep fried), 1 chinese preserved sausage(sliced
and pan fried), spring onions for garnishing
1. Marinate chicken pieces & set aside for 1 hour in the refrigerator. (pic 1)
2. In a wok, heat oil over medium heat, sauté sliced shallots until light browned,
set aside.
3. Using the same oil, sauté ginger slices and chopped garlic till browned, add in
marinated chicken pieces and mushroom sauté for 1 minute. Add rice and stir
fry for another 2 minutes.(pic 2-4)
4. Transfer rice into ELBA Electric Rice Cooker. Add water, half of the shallot
crisps, adjusting salt to taste and stir rice to combine.Cover the lid, turn on the
electric and leave to cook for 10 – 15 minutes. (pic 3-5)
5. Flake rice & cover lid undisturbed for further 5 minutes.
6. When rice is done, top with spring onions and shallot crisps. Serve with
preserved Chinese sausage and salted fish.