白东炎排骨汤 Pork Spare Ribs In White Tom Yum Broth

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清水1½公升、猪骨1公斤(以滚水川烫滴干)、虾米3汤匙(洗净烘香)、 胡椒粒1茶匙(拍烂)
1. 猪骨汤做法:水煮滚后把所有材料放入,小火煮3小时,待凉后过滤,收入冰箱待用。(图1-2)
2. 把猪骨汤小火煮滚,然后放入辛香料,加盖焖煮10分钟后加入排骨,继续焖煮至肉软。(图3-5)
3. 加入草菇及调味料,随自己喜好调味,然后撒上装饰料即可。(图6-8)

┃PORK BONE BROTH┃(can be done the day before)
1½ litres water, 1kg pork soup bones(blanch in boiling water and drained), 3 tbsp dried prawns(washed and toasted), 1 tsp white peppercorns(crushed)
500g spare ribs (chopped into 5 cm lengths, scalded in hot water, drained), 100g straw mushrooms (sliced half lengthwise), coriander leaves for garnish
1 tbsp fish sauce or to taste, 2 limes (seeded and extract juice)
4 stalks lemon grass(white part only, thickly sliced), 4 pairs kaffir lime leaves (roughly torn), 3 cm galangal (peeled and sliced), 10-15 red bird’s eye chilies
1. For pork bone broth: Bring water to a boil, add all ingredients, simmer over low heat for 3 hours, cool down and strain, chilled until ready to use. (pic 1-2)
2. Bring broth to a slow boil, add all spice ingredients, covered and simmer for 10 minutes. Add spare ribs and simmer, covered till rib meat is tender. (pic 3-5)
3. Add straw mushrooms and seasoning, adjust to you desired taste with more fish sauce and lime juice if needed. Garnish and serve hot. (pic 6-8)