白萝卜花腩煲 Clay Pot Pork Belly with Radish

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白萝卜200克(去皮切菱形)、带皮五花腩400克 、辣
1. 把猪肉洗净切小方块备用。 (图1)
2. 煮滚清水,把猪肉汆烫去血水,捞起备用;白萝卜
3. 热锅以少许油爆香蒜头、八角和辣椒干;下猪肉拌
4. 加入白萝卜,倒入盖过材料两倍的上汤,用大火煮滚。
5. 调小火下调味料捞匀,盖上锅盖;焖煮2小时。(图5)
6. 焖至收汁为止,熄火盛盘享用。(图6)

200g radish (peeled & cut wedges), 400g pork
belly with skin, 8 dried chili (soaked), 6 pips garlic
(chopped), 3 pcs star anise
2 tbsp premium soy sauce, 1 tsp dark soy sauce, 1
tsp sugar
1. Wash and cut pork belly into small cubes.(pic 1)
2. Blanch meat in boiling water. Blanch radish as well.
(pic 2-3)
3. Heat some oil in wok, sautéginger, garlic, star
anise and dried chili until fragrant; toss in meat, stir
fry until light brown.(pic4)
4. Add in radish, pour in stock of 2 folds then the
ingredients and bring to quick boil.(pic 5)
5. Turn to low heat, add in seasoning and cover with
lid, simmer for 2 hours.
6. Dish out to serve when gravy thicken.(pic 6)

