盆栽巧克力 Potted Plant

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1. 把所有材料混合,以搓方式搓成粗粒状。(图1)
2. 放入预热至175°C烤炉烤12-15分钟或至金黄色。(图2)
1. 把牛奶、鲜奶油及葡萄糖煮滚。(图3)
2. 另外,把白糖和蛋黄混合,加入一半的热奶混合料。(图4)
3. 然后把所有材料倒回锅里,煮至稠度可以粘杓子。
4. 加入烤香的黑芝麻煮至滚。(图5)
5. 过滤取出黑芝麻。(图6)
6. 收入冰箱冷藏,然后放入冰淇淋机搅拌。(图7)
1. 把巧克力溶解。
2. 将巧克力浆倒入纸杯里,再把巧克力浆倒回锅里,让纸杯内层结成
3. 重复步骤2以取得厚层效果。
4. 一旦巧克力凝结,即可脱杯。
1. 把黑芝麻雪糕填入巧克力杯至几乎全满。(图9)
2. 然后以香草酥餅覆盖,以糖皮花装饰。 (图10)

【Vanilla Crumble ingredients】
55g cake flour, 35g sugar, 25g unsalted butter, 2g salt, 2 drops vanilla
1.Mix all ingredients using the rubbing in method until sandy texture.
(pic 1)
2.Bake at 175℃ for 12 to 15 minutes or till golden brown.(pic 2)
【Black Sesame Ice Cream Ingredients】
250g milk, 40g cream, 60g dextrose, 35g sugar, 50g black sesame
(toasted), 60g egg yolk, 1g salt
1.Boil milk, cream and dextrose in a sauce pan.(pic 3)
2.Mix sugar and egg yolk in a mixing bowl, pour in half of the boiling
milk.(pic 4)
3.Put back everything in the saucepan and cook until the mixture
coats the back of the ladle.
4.Mix in the toasted black sesame and bring to boil. (pic 5)
5.Mix well and strain away the black sesame.(pic 6)
6.Cool down in the chiller or ice bath. Churn mixture in ice cream
machine.(pic 7)
【Chocolate Pot ingredients】
300g dark chocolate, Paper cup
1.Double boil the chocolate till melted.
2.Pour chocolate into paper cup to coat the sides. Pour back the
chocolate into the paper cup, leaving a layer coating of chocolate
in the cup. (pic 8)
3.Repeat step 2 one more time if necessary. (will result in thicker
4.Once the chocolate is set, dislodge from the paper cup.
【To assemble】
1.Fill the chocolate pot with black sesame ice cream until almost
full.(pic 9)
2.Cover up to the rim with vanilla crumble, garnish with fondant
flowers.(pic 10)