福建冬菜鸭Hokkien Dong Cai Duck

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1. 鸭肉洗净切块,用滚水汆烫去除血水,捞出备用。(图1)
2. 冬菜洗净,挤干水分备用;姜蒜洗净切茸备用。
3. 把鸭肉放入蒸碗里,铺上冬菜、姜及蒜茸,并加入盐、鱼露。(图2)
4. 用大火隔水蒸1小时取出,把蒸汁滤出备用。(图3-4)
5. 将蒸熟的鸭肉扣进碟子里,然后将蒸鸭汁下锅勾芡,淋于鸭上即可。

800g duck meat, 30g Dong Cai (preserved dried cabbage), 10g ginger, 2 pips garlic
1⁄2 tsp salt, 1⁄2 tsp fish sauce
1. Cut duck meat into slices and then blanch in boiling water, drain.(pic 1)
2. Wash Dong Cai, squeeze out water; chop garlic and ginger.
3. Place duck meat in steam bowl, top with Dong Cai, ginger and garlic, season with salt and fish sauce. (pic 2)
4. Steam in high heat for 1 hour, filter the gravy.(pic3-4)
5. Dislodge duck meat from bowl on serving plate; thicken gravy with starch and pour over duck meat to serve.