粟米双圆 Braised Corn Kernels with Gluten

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盐1⁄2小匙、黑胡椒粉1⁄4小匙、调味素 1⁄8小匙、天然乳酪50克、马芝林菜油1小匙、水1⁄2碗
1. 先把粟米粒用搅拌机研磨成糊,留下一半待用。(图1)
2. 烧热少许油,加入蘑菇和其他材料炒香,加入调味料和粟米糊拌炒匀煮滚,即可上碟享用。(图2-5)

150g button mushroom, 50g deep fried gluten, 30g peas, 100g fresh corn kernels
1⁄2 tsp salt, 1⁄4 tsp black pepper, 1⁄8 tsp vegetarian stock granule, 50g natural yogurt, 1 tsp margarine, 1⁄2 bowl water
1. Blend 50g of corn kernel until fine; keep another half portion for later use.(pic 1)
2. Heat some oil in wok, sauté all ingredients until fragrant, then toss in corn paste and seasoning, stir until
boiled, dish out and serve.(pic 2-5)