肉干饼曲奇 Pork Jerky Cookies

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1. 将肉干剁碎,备用。(图1)
2. 将A料拌匀,加入B料混合成面团。(图2-4)
3. 加入肉干碎充份混合均匀。(图5)
4. 把混合面团分成小等份,揉圆稍压扁,面上洒入数粒芝麻点缀。(图6)
5. 放入已铺上油纸的烤盘,移入已预热的烤箱以160℃烘约15-20分钟便可。(图7-8)

A:120g icing sugar, 130g margarine, 30g shortening, 1egg (beaten)
B:250g super fine flour, 3⁄4 tsp sodium bicarbonate, 3⁄4baking powder, pinch of salt
C:2 slices pork jerky (chopped), 1 tbsp sesame seeds
1. Chopped pork jerky and set aside.(pic 1)
2. Mixes ingredients A and then add in ingredients B knead into dough.(pic 2-4)
3. Add chopped pork jerky into dough.(pic 5)
4. Apportion dough into small portion, shape round and flatten, sprinkle some sesame seeds on top.(pic 6)
5. Place on greased and line baking tray, bake in preheated oven at 160℃ for 15-20 minutes, done.(pic 7-8)