腊味炒米粉Stir-fried Meehoon with Waxed Meat

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1. 用3大匙油爆香蒜茸和葱头仔碎,加入桂花肉、腊肠和润肠炒香。
2. 加入水煮滚,加入黄芽白、红萝卜、米粉和调味料炒匀,加盖焖5分钟,开盖炒匀,盛起,洒上青葱粒和红辣椒粒,即可。

60g waxed meat (sliced), 1 tbsp chopped garlic, 1 tbsp chopped shallot, 1 piece Gui Hua waxed meat (sliced), 1 Chinese sausage (sliced), 1 Chinese liver sausage(sliced), 300ml water, 100g Chinese cabbage (juliennes), 50g carrot (juliennes), 150g Meehoon (soaked and drain)

1½ tbsp soy sauce, 1 tsp dark soy sauce, ½ tbsp oyster sauce, ½ tsp pepper, 1 tsp sesame oil, some chopped spring onion and red chili for garnishing

1.Sauté garlic and shallot with 3 tbsp oil; toss in Gui Hua waxed meat and both Chinese sausages.
2.Add in water, once boiled add in Chinese cabbage, carrot, Meehoon and seasoning; cover lid and simmer for 5 minutes; open lid and stir-fry until well mixed. Sprinkle spring onion and red chili over to serve.