蜜样绣球 Honey Dew Prawns Salad

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1. 以半球形水果挖棒将蜜瓜挖成小球状,剩余果肉取少许磨成果酱备用。(图1-2)
2. 虾去壳留尾开背挑出肠泥洗净,抹干以少许盐、糖及胡椒粉腌片刻。(图3)
3. 把面糊料拌匀,然后将腌好的虾沾上面糊投入热油中炸至香脆,捞起滤油。(图4-5)
4. 将沙律酱材料与蜜瓜球拌均匀,搭配虾球享用。(图6)

1⁄2 honey dew, 10pcs grass prawns
3 tbsp mayonnaise, 1 tbsp condensed milk, 1 tbsp honey dew puree
50g self-rising flour, 1⁄4 tsp salt, some water
1. Scope out honey dew with melon baller; take part of the flesh to make puree.(pic 1-2)
2. Shell prawns but keep tails intact; devein and marinate with dash of salt, sugar and pepper. (pic 3)
3. Mixes batter and dip in prawns to deep fry until crispy, drain.(pic 4-5)
4. Mixes the melons balls with dressing and serve with fried prawns.(pic 6)