蜜汁烤草虾 Grilled Prawns With Honey

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辣椒酱2汤匙、蚝油1汤匙、义烧酱1 1⁄2汤匙、生抽1汤
1. 将草虾修剪,加入腌料混合捞匀,置放1小时。(图1-4)
2. 加入菜油捞匀,然后用竹支将每一只虾串起。(图5)
3. 将虾支排入嘉威太空双宝,以160℃烧烤两面至虾转红色及熟便可(中途搽上剩余腌料酱)。(图6-8)

600g tiger prawns, 1 tbsp oil, some satay stick
【Marinate Ingredients】
2 tbsp chilli sauce, 1 tbsp oyster sauce, 1 1⁄2tbsp cha siew sauce, 1 tbsp soy sauce, 2 tbsp honey, 1 tbsp maltose
1. Clean the prawns and marinate for 1 hour. (pic 1-4)
2. Add in oil and mix well, then string each prawn with satay stick. (pic 5)
3. Place the prawns stick on preheated Cadware Space Oven Wok tray, bake at 160℃ till prawns turn to red color, done.(brush the sauce on the prawns
surface when half way cooking). (pic 6-8)