金汤菜卷Chinese Cabbage Roll In Golden Soup

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3.烧热油1大匙,爆香菇丝 ,然后加入所有馅料和调味料炒匀即成馅料。
4.取1片牙白菜,抹上少许粟粉,放馅料卷成,用波菜梗绑住。全部包扎好 ,隔水蒸10至15分钟,取出。煮滚金汤料淋上即成。

8 slices Chinese cabbage leaves, 4pcs Chinese spinach stems (blanch and tear apart), some corn flour

【Filling ingredients】
50g shredded yam (deep fried), 150g sweet turnip (shredded and blanch in boiling water), 3pcs Chinese mushroom (shredded), 1/2 pc harden tofu (shredded), some chopped coriander

1tsp sugar, 1/2tsp salt, 1/4tsp concentrated vegetarian stock granules, some sesame oil, pepper to taste

【Golden Soup ingredients】
100g pumpkin (steamed and mashed), 1 cup water, 1/2tsp salt, 1tsp concentrated vegetarian stock granules, 1/2 tsp premium tapioca flour

1.Blend mashed pumpkin with 1 cup of water until smooth.
2.Blanch Chinese cabbage and cool down in water, squeeze excessive water.
3.Heat 1 tbsp oil in wok, sauté shredded mushroom until fragrant, then toss in all filling ingredients and seasoning.
4.Spread some flour on top of each piece of Chinese cabbage, add in adequate filling, roll and wrap up, tighten with spinach stem, and then steam for 10-15 minutes. Boil golden soup and then pour on top of Chinese cabbage roll.