黄金脆炸虾 CNY Golden Prawns

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B:Ferme Sunshine山药薏仁粉2汤匙
C:自发面粉1⁄2碗、Ferme Sunshine红麴纳豆粉1汤匙、水适量、油2汤匙
1. 将明虾去壳留尾,加入其余材料A捞匀,腌10分钟。(图1)
2. 将材料C混合成面糊。(图2-3)
3. 把腌好的虾先沾B料再裹上面糊,放入热油中,炸至香脆及熟便可取出,蘸辣椒酱进食。(图4-6)

A:15 prawns, 1⁄2 tsp salt, some pepper to taste, 1 tsp sugar, 1 egg (beaten)
B:2 tbsp Ferme Sunshine Yam and Pearl Barley Powder
C:1⁄2 bowl self-raising flour, 1 tbsp Ferme Sunshine Red Rice Yeast Natto Powder, some water, 2 tbsp oil
【Method 】
1. Shelled prawn but keep tail intact, marinate with remaining ingredients A for 10 minutes. (pic 1)
2. Combine ingredients C into batter. (pic 2-3)
3. Dip the marinate prawns into flour B then mixture C.(pic 4-5)
4. Heat oil in wok, deep fry prawns till golden brown, drain and serve will chili sauce.(pic 6)