黑椒苏东拌脆午餐肉 Squids with black pepper and luncheon meat

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材料 :
辣椒粒 1汤匙、指天椒3条(剁碎)、古龙牌午餐肉½罐、洋葱1粒(切片)、古龙牌香菇橄榄菜1

调味料 :

做法 :
1 苏东剖开,在内腹划格子后切厚片。(图1)
2 用滚水川烫苏东30秒钟,滴干。(图 2)
3 把古龙牌午餐肉切片后再切丁,放入热油中炸至香脆,盛出。(图3)
4 在另一个锅里热麻油,把姜茸、蒜茸及全部辣椒粒炒至香。
5 加入古龙牌香菇橄榄菜、苏东片、洋葱片及调味料。(图4-7)
6 拌入黑胡椒碎和古龙牌午餐肉丁,大火炒均即可盛出,撒上青葱粒。(图8)

500 g fresh large squids(cleaned), 1 tbsp sesame oil, 1 tsp chopped garlic, 1 tsp chopped ginger, 1 tsp coarse ground black pepper, 1 tbsp red chilli (seeded and
cubed), 1 tbsp green chilli (seeded and cubed), 3 bird’s eye chillies (chopped), 1 onion (sliced), ½ can GULONG Brand Pork Luncheon Meat, 1 tbsp GULONG Brand
Olive Vegetable, 1 stalk spring onion(chopped), ½bowl water


Adequate sugar and pepper to taste
1 Open cut the squids, score the inner body and cut into thick slices. (pic 1)
2 Blanch squids in boiling salted water for 30 seconds. Dish out and drain well. (pic 2)
3 Cut GULONG Brand Pork Luncheon Meat into cubes, deep fry until crispy and fragrant in hot oil. Dish out and put aside. (pic 3)
4 Heat sesame oil and sauté ginger, garlic and all
chillies till fragrant.
5 Add in GULONG Brand Olive Vegetable, squids, onion slices and seasoning. (pic 4-7)
6 Toss in ground black pepper and prefried diced GULONG Brand Pork Luncheon Meat , stir-fry over high heat until well mixed. Dish up and sprinkle with
chopped spring onion. (pic 8)