黑酱油猪肉 Braised Pork Belly in Dark Soy Sauce

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1. 将猪肉加入所有调味料腌1⁄2小时。(图1-2)
2. 起锅热油,加入八角、桂皮和猪肉炒至肉转色。(图3)
3. 注入清水、香菇与大蒜,煮至滚后转小火,焖煮20分钟至肉软。(图4)

500g belly pork(cut in 3cm thick), 3 mushroom(soaked and slices), 1 big garlic(keep whole) 1 stick cinnamon, 1 star anise, 21⁄2 bowls water
2 tbsp soy sauce, 11⁄2tsp sweet dark soy sauce, 1 tbsp sugar, dash of pepper, 1 tsp salt
1. In a big bowl mix all seasoning with belly pork for 1⁄2 hour . (pic 1-2)
2. Heat some oil in pot, saute star anise, cinnamon and pork till turn color.(pic 3)
3. Pour in water, mushroom and garlic, bring to boil, turn to low heat, continue simmer for 20 minutes, done. (pic 4)