罗勒炒辣鸡肉碎Stir-fried Minced Meat with Basil

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鸡胸肉碎 250克、蒜5瓣(切片)、红辣椒2条(切碎)、小辣椒8条(切碎)、罗勒叶(多量)

鱼露1汤匙、糖1茶匙、生抽1汤匙、黑酱油(适量)、鸡精粉1茶匙、盐( 适量)

2.加入鸡肉碎翻炒至半熟透颗粒 。

250g minced chicken meat, 5 pips garlic (sliced), 2 red chili (chopped), 8 chili padi (chopped), 1 big bunch of basil leaf

1 tbsp fish sauce,1 tsp sugar, 1 tbsp soy sauce, drops of dark soy sauce,1 tsp chicken powder, dash of salt

1.Heat pan with oil, saute ingredients B until fragrant.
2.Add in minced chicken and stir-fry until semi cooked.
3.Toss in seasoning and adjust to taste.
4.Once the minced meat are cooked through, toss in basil leaves and dish out.