小熊馒头 Steamed Bear Mantou

1. 全部材料放入搅拌机,搅拌成光滑的面团。(图1-3)
2. 分割面团成每份50克,重复这动作至面团用完为止。
3. 将剩下面团加入竹炭粉,粉搓均匀黑色面团。(图4-5)
4. 眼睛、嘴巴和鼻头制作:取黑色面团搓圆做成眼睛、嘴巴及鼻子。
5. 熊脸:取剩余的白色面团刷上牛奶,搓圆成熊脸中心。
6. 将馒头放置一旁休息发酵至双倍大。
7. 将馒头放入蒸炉,以中火蒸20分钟。(图6)

160g all purpose flour, 1g yeast, 85g milk, 12g sugar, 6g oil, some charcoal powder
1. Place all ingredients into stand mixer, mix and knead into smooth dough. (pic 1-3)
2. Divide dough into 50g each, repeat the same step until the dough is finish.
3. Take some left over dough mix with charcoal powder, knead to become black color soft dough. (pic 4-5)
4. To make eyes, mouth and nose : Roll the black dough to make eyes, nose and mouth.
5. To make face : Brush milk on the surface of left over white dough, to make face.
6. Let the dough rest until double in size.
7. Steam mantou into steamer with medium heat fot 20 monutes, done. (pic 6)



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