甘香鸡翼 Fragrant Chicken Wings

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1. 鸡翼以腌料拌匀,放置20分钟后投入热油中炸熟至金黄色,捞出沥油备用。(图1)
2. 烧热1汤匙油爆香虾米、小葱茸、蒜茸及指天椒碎。(图2-3)
3. 加入咖喱叶及调味料炒香,拌入鸡翼兜炒均匀便可。(图4-6)

8 pcs chicken wingette, 20g dried shrimp (soaked & chopped), 5 pcs shallot (chopped), 2 pips garlic
(chopped), 6 chilli padi (chopped), 1 stalk curry leaf
【Marinade Ingredients】
1⁄2 tbsp soy sauce, 1 tsp oyster sauce, 1⁄2 tbsp corn flour
1 tbsp oyster sauce, 1 tsp sugar, 1 tbsp soy sauce, 1 tbsp curry powder, dash of pepper, 1⁄2 tsp MSG, 50ml water
1.Marinates chicken wingette for 20 minutes and then deep fry until golden brown, drain.(pic 1)
2.Heat up 1 tbsp oil, sauté dried shrimp, shallot, garlic and chili padi until fragrant.(pic 2-3)
3.Toss in curry leaf and seasoning, then return the chicken wingette to wok and stir to mix, done.(pic 4-6)